Donna Lea Dyck

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A Gentle Reminder from God

Have you ever felt like you are never going to get there? Who hasn’t right?

A year ago, I took up running. My daughter had been encouraging me to download “Couch to 5 km”.and finally, I did it. When I run, everyone passes me. It bugs me. At least I run faster than the people walking.

I have always been hard on myself. I wish I had learned the art of extending a bit more grace to myself. It is something I am working on. I do find though when I run, I can think better. I used to run in my twenties and now I am almost sixty. That seems totally bizarre to me. I feel more like 42 or 43 not 59 years old! They say that you are as old as you feel. So- that puts me in my forties. I will take that. Running helps.

When I went running today , I saw a snail and he was stuck to the side of a condo. He was about 7 feet high on the wall! . I had seen that same snail ( at least I think it is the same snail) a few days ago when I was running. Even then I felt God nudge me saying “ see Donna, that snail did not get that high quickly, but he did it”

The Lord Jesus is kind and gracious with me and whomever calls out to Him. In Philippians 4:13 it says this “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me. “

What are you feeling snail like about these days? You are trying to get there but feel like you are going at a snails pace? Don’t give up! You can do it. Ask the One who is bigger than you. He can help!