10 Reasons spring is my favorite season!

 1.    I love the sounds of birds singing away!

2.    I love the spring flowers.

3.    I love experiencing the cold winter slowly leading to warmer weather.

4.    I love sitting outside and drinking a cup of coffee or tea on my deck and watching people, dogs, squirrels, birds, and even some rabbits.

5.    I love to sit outside and read a good book!

6.    I love to sit on my deck and visit with people dear to me.

7.    I especially love that spring leads to summer which is my favorite season.

8.    I love that we can have the window open at night and enjoy the fresh air!

9.    I like putting the heavy winter coat and hat etc. away and being able to go outside in a light sweater!

10. I love the thunder and lightning storms that often come in spring.


In the Spring, we see new life and that is always inspiring to me. Jesus is a Master at new life. He takes us in whatever state we find ourselves and as we give ourselves to Him, He makes all things new! He is the God of every season.  In this season, we are reminded of this wonderful truth.

 “ Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.”

 Isaiah 43: 19

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for the spring and for the gift of all that You are doing in this season. I ask that you do in me the “new” which needs to happen. I give to you the brokenness and the hard impossible things I am dealing with at this time. Thank you for being a God who makes all things new.

 In Jesus Name,


12 Tips for Living Wisely

“Teach me to number my days so that I might gain a heart of wisdom”.

 I sat with the Lord for a while this morning and asked Him what some examples are of what He means by this verse. This is what I heard.

 1.    Wisdom is something we ought to consciously apply each day.

2.    Be wise about what should be put off and what shouldn’t.

3.    The only day you can be truly confident in, is today.

4.    A day is not something you get back.

5.    Sometimes the door before you is shut and it is going to stay that way. Then there are other times you need to ask Me to open it.

6.    You will face times when a leap of faith is required, however, sometimes I provide a bridge... You don’t always have to jump! Learn to discern what is before you

7.    Every day, I provide something to be thankful for. Watch for it and then give thanks.

8.    Keep short accounts with Me. Forgive people. I have forgiven you.

9.    You may think My timing is way off. Remember, I see time differently and I see much further than you do

10. Either I lead or you lead. We both can’t. I see better and know what is ahead. Let Me lead.

11. What your life is built upon matters. It will determine how you will weather the storms that come your way.

12. Choose to allow an offense to pass. It is far better than allowing resentment to fester and turn into bitterness which acts like an infection in the soul.

 God is always waiting to give us the wisdom we need for each day. Some days are harder though, especially if we are filled with anxiety. To hear God speak, we need to believe He does speak! Then we have to listen. Today, this is what I heard, and my hope and prayer is that something inspired your heart.

 Dear Father,

Thank you for Your guidance to us for living each day. Give me the courage and wisdom to do whatever is needed today. Fill me afresh with Your Holy Spirit.

In Jesus Name,


When Things Just Don't Workout

“Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice.“ Philippians 4:4

 Personally, I find it is a lot easier to practice this verse when the sun is shining and life is, for the most part, as it should be.

 What about the days when we have dreams that are crushed, or we are struggling over incredibly hard news? 

 Have you ever been in a worship service when people enthusiastically sing, “This is the day the Lord has made - let us be glad and rejoice in it”? While everyone sings you struggle because of what you are going through.

 Frankly, finding something to be thankful for is, sometimes, a tall order. Yet I have discovered in the darkest times of my life that there are always things to rejoice in. The Lord never added a caveat that allows us days off. On the darkest days, God’s promises remain true and His presence with us is unchanged.  

 One thing I have learned to do that I would like to pass on to you is this; If you cannot think of one thing today to give thanks to God for, then ask Him. Simply ask God, “What can I say thank you for today?”

 The answer may surprise you for its simplicity and beauty. God helps us to become joyful people.  I found that in the act of giving thanks on these dark days, though it sometimes feels like a discipline, that practice becomes an opportunity to plant tiny seeds of hope in my own heart.

 Remember my friend, some truths in this life never change. The character of God does not change, and neither does His presence with us.  I am very grateful for this. This truth is the difference faith makes. When we have Jesus with us, we are never alone. No situation we are facing is too difficult for Him or without hope - never.

 There are some tears we shed that will never be entirely wiped away until we see Jesus. When He does that we will finally experience comfort in the fullest measure. In this, we can be thankful. In our suffering, we can hold on to this promise and we will find joy.

 Dear Father,

 Some days it is so easy to give thanks for the day You have made, while other days are like this. I ask that You show me what I can be thankful for. Give me eyes to see what I cannot.  Soften my heart; it seems sorrowful and numb.  Speak to me at this moment.  Thank you for your mercy.

 In Jesus Name,


The Trouble with Temptation

“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. “ Matthew 26:41

 “If it feels right to you, do it”, says popular culture. What a contrast to the words of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane on the night He would be betrayed and sent to be crucified. Jesus warned His disciples who were with Him to watch and pray because Jesus knew difficulty and temptation would be introducing themselves like unwelcome guests in short order.

 Not long ago, I was tempted to fall into the pit of envy. Someone shared some good news that was happening in their life. I was happy for them, but to be honest, a little jealous also. I realized this immediately and knew I was faced with a choice. Will I let this little seed of jealousy grow and become envy and lose the pleasure of simply being happy for a friend. I was faced with a choice, and I chose to be happy for them. I found that praying for them and thanking God for these opportunities He was bringing to them, loosened the jealousy that was brewing in my heart. I think this might, at least in part, be what Jesus was talking about in the ‘watch and pray’ of this verse. I noticed and I prayed, and I was free!

 Along the path of life, there are all kinds of challenges that can become  a temptation.  We will only spot them as we “watch and pray” as Jesus reminds us. Watching is critical because there are no shortage of obstacles ahead for us to trip over.

 The devil, our adversary, loves when we complain, judge, brood, curse... there is a long list of what makes his day. They come to us in the form of temptation. We all trip and fall at some point but we can trip and fall a lot less if and when we put the words of our Lord into practice.’ Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.’

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for these words of warning You gave us. Help me daily to put this into practice. I need to watch and pray for I know that I have a formidable foe, the devil, who would love to see me fall. Thank you, Father,

 In Jesus Name


The Perils of Pride

“Love is patient and love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast, it is not proud.” 1 Corinthians 13:4

 The topic of pride is not talked much about these days, certainly not in the way I am thinking. Pride has its use, but it is limited. When I bake cookies, for example, and I know they are really good, I am proud of those cookies.  At what point, though, do I cross the line where pride becomes a stumbling block? Pride is indeed a perilous thing; something all people stumble over from time to time. In my journal, as I sat with the Lord, and asked about the problems that pride brings, here is what was pointed out to me:  

 1.     Pride can lead us to believe that we are better or more important than we are.  Romans 12:3 warns us not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought.

2.     Pride can act like a blinding agent that hinders us from seeing others or circumstances as they truly are. In Matthew 7:5 we are told to “remove the plank from your own eye; then you will see clearly to remove the speck in your brother’s eye.”  We can find ourselves with a plank in our eye for several reasons, pride being one of them.

3.     Pride can keep us from admitting our faults. It is interesting to consider the emotions or attitudes that hang out with pride, like stubbornness. To maintain pride, in the negative sense, you can be sure that stubbornness is nearby.

4.     Pride can keep us from trying new things. People may think “No -  that is fear”.  Perhaps that is true, but pride can get tangled up in it as we do not want to fail and ruin our good record.

5.     Pride can keep us from asking for help when it is clearly needed.

6.     Pride can also keep us from asking for forgiveness simply because we can’t admit that just maybe we were wrong.

7.     On the flip side of this, pride can also hinder us from offering forgiveness to those who ask. How is this possible? Sometimes we can wear the hurts or offences we experience like a pin or a broach and we do not want to let it go.

8.     Pride can keep us from celebrating the success of another likely because envy is running very close by.

9.     Pride can keep us talking and talking and not bothering to ask the listener what they think as we are so very sure what we are saying is better. To listen truly requires the absence of pride and the presence of humility.

10.  Pride isolates us. This is never a good way to live.

 I know that there is more that can be added to this.  Personally, I feel challenged to stop and consider where I am stumbling at this moment.

 Dear Father,

 Pride is a sneaky thing. Show me where pride is tripping me up today. I want to live humbly.

 In Jesus Name,



5 Things that Stick.

There are many things that we experience in life that stick.  Here is my shortlist for today.

 1.     The feeling of being forgiven when we know very well, we didn’t deserve it.

2.     Good advice which has been given and lived out in our life. Out of this is born a life lesson that hopefully will stick with us through all the seasons of life.

3.     A painful experience or memory can stick around.  The question and challenge I suppose is how much we will focus on it and swim in it. We have to face it, feel all the emotions, and respond wisely, but it is doubtful we will ever fully forget.

4.     I was thinking that the last batch of cookies I baked could stick with me in ways I do not like! This reminds me of a deeper truth - bad decisions often stick around.  The consequences, do not go away. We have to learn to navigate things we dearly wish we did not have to.

5.     Precious memories of friends and families stay with us, as do kindnesses shown to us, especially when we were not in a position to reciprocate.

 There is more we could add to this list. What would you add?

 I am thankful for all that I can lay at our Father’s feet daily. Burdens and memories, bad decisions - all of it I can lay down before Him. He can sort through the messes and the grief of our life and for this I am very thankful.

 Soon, it will be Easter.  The older I get, the more precious this celebration is to me. I know beyond  all things that I am lost without my Savior. He is my strength and my constant company. He calms my racing thoughts. He points me in the way I should go. He speaks to me - and so much more.

 The bad or hard things of this life can trip us up, but when you have the Good Shepherd standing right there, He is present to brush us off and help us take the next step. He is even willing to give us courage for it.

 “ The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want” Psalm 23:1

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for the good and the difficult that is on my list. You love me and guide me every day, through the great days and the not-so-great ones You are always present.

 In Jesus Name,


Remember, God’s ways are not always our ways!

 When we drive through the city, I am full of suggestions for my husband Bill. Maybe slow down, speed up or maybe get going because the light is already green. Needless to say, I do drive him a bit nuts at times.

 I wonder if God ever thinks that way as He listens to me explain to Him just how I see a prayer ought to be answered. The difference is, that God has even more information than I do! I confess however there are times, especially when it is my family, I am convinced I have a perfect plan if God would just get on board with it and my will!

 God’s word is clear on this account, unfortunately, fortunately! In Isaiah 55:8, He says “For My ways are not your ways and your thoughts are NOT my thoughts. Declares the Lord” Can you believe it? The God of the universe who sees down the road, over the hill, and around the corner, does not see things just like you and me!

 I love Proverbs 3:5,6 “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart, Do NOT lean on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.”

 I like when we go to a fair or a concert and the parking lot is full of people with glow-in-the-dark orange vests on and flags and they point to exactly where we are supposed to go to park our vehicle. There is little mystery in the experience. You just do as you are directed!

 Life is seldom like that. God at times leads very clearly. One step leads to a logical next step, but the fact is, this is not always our experience. It is often more like, here is the first step, and then we have to wait!!! Who wants to wait? We want to keep going according to our timetable! We start to question, “Did God really lead us? Shouldn’t things be going perfectly?” If you read in the book of Numbers, the story of God’s people who were led out into the desert by Him even there is story after story of the twists and turns in the desert and God was there in a big cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Yet, it was not as smooth as you would have thought it should be. God was leading and teaching them as they went along. Just like He does with you and me.

He sees us and loves us. He knows what is best and has us and our loved ones squarely in the palm of His hands. Let’s rest in this truth today.

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for being a God who sees what I cannot. You are fully trustworthy to find your way through this wilderness I find myself in today. I choose to put my trust fully in you. Thank you.

 In Jesus Name,



One Truth which is better than Comfort Food!

Years ago, I went mountain climbing. It was a lot of fun but terrifying at points. One day we were at the top of a very high cliff which we had just climbed. We were told then that we had to rappel down as someone held the rope at the top of the cliff. We wore a harness and were clipped in. The person on top was called a belayer. You dearly hoped that they were strong and knew what they are doing. Otherwise, it could end very badly. When we rappelled down that rock face, it was like jumping down and then constantly pushing outward with our legs so we didn’t hit the rock. If we slipped, the rope held us secure.

 Heights are not my favorite, though I confess, this adventure, while scary, was also a lot of fun. I would do it again if I had the opportunity.

 In Psalm 63:8 it says, “ I will cling to you; your strong right hand holds me securely.” To know that God Almighty has us securely in His right massive hand, is deeply comforting. When difficult challenges come or discouraging situations, we know He still has us securely in His hand. We needn’t fear or wonder if this is too much as if it is more than He can handle. No, He holds onto us and does so with love. His eye Is locked on us and we can be sure that whatever is going on in our lives at this moment does not cause Him panic.

 We can rest in His love and enjoy the gift of peace He gives us in the middle of the storms of life. He offers us whatever is needed; wisdom, guidance, insight. He is able to help you as He holds you securely in His grip. What a great thought for today! We do not have to give into the fear that is standing nearby. Rather we can say thank you to our Father for His firm grip and His eye that is watching over us.

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for holding me secure in Your strong hand. Thank you for your constant presence and for never checking out because a situation is too hard. I know that with you, nothing is impossible. I trust you with all that is troubling me right now.

I ask for Your peace and your wisdom to fill me. Thank you,


In Jesus Name,


Hope Against All Odds!

“Be strong and courageous! Don’t be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria or his mighty army, for there is a power far greater on our side. He may have a great army, but they are merely men. We have the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles for us! “ 2 Chronicles 32: 7,8

 Who among us has not stood facing an obstacle, a situation or a person that frankly had the upper hand? From where we stood it looked impossible. Victory or a positive outcome was nothing short of delusional.

 To be afraid when standing before what seems impossible is a pretty natural emotion. I was thinking these last few days about how many times through the entire Bible, the words “ do not be afraid “ are mentioned. I looked it up and according to several sources they repeatedly say 365 times.

 In this passage in 2 Chronicles 32:7-8, we see the people in Jerusalem very fearful. As they stood on the wall of the city looking out, they could see the vast army of the Assyrians who were known for their cruelty and skill as an army. They had a reputation that was renowned in that part of the world.

 When you are looking up a very steep and rock-strewn path that goes straight up a mountain and you have no energy to walk that path, what will you do?  Walking it is not an option. It is made even more difficult if the last time you faced this same circumstance, it was a nightmare. Fear seizes your heart, as it does mine. The same old buttons are pressed. The tender ones, that have been pressed to many times.

 Yet, we are reminded tenderly in this passage, regardless of the past or what is before us, we have “a far greater power on our side”. God will not stand idly by watching you struggle. Psalm 26 reminds us He is a very present help in times of trouble.

 As you call out to Him today with whatever you are facing, do not be afraid, God is with you and He will help you. He will give you strength for this next step - whatever is needed. He will make a way. And that, my friend, is indeed good news. We can all use some of that!

 Dear Father,

 You see what I am facing today and know well the panic that has me in its grip.  I ask that you would bring me peace and whatever else I need to make it through. I ask for wisdom and for victory. Thank you, Father.

 In Jesus Name,


5 Things I do when my world falls apart.

You don’t learn how to respond to difficult days or events sitting on a beach enjoying the sunshine. We learn the hard stuff as we live through it.

 When I have found myself in the middle of a forest with little light getting through - here is what I do.

 1.     I run to God. Psalm 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.” As I sit with God on these days, He is not only my hiding place but my source of strength as well. He gives me what I need, even if it’s on a moment-by-moment basis. Sometimes, when what we face is really tough, we have to go back to God often for the strength to keep pressing forward.

 2.     I remember that He sees me. He has not lost sight of me. Proverbs 5:21 “ For your ways are in full view of the Lord, and He examines all of your paths”. God is not surprised by whatever I am facing. He is not overwhelmed or worried. My struggles may be heartbreaking, but I know that God sees me and knows very well what exactly is happening in my world.

 3.     I remember that God is with me. Deuteronomy 31:8; “ Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; He will neither fail nor abandon you”. It is one thing to be stuck with an incompetent helper and another with God who is all-powerful and wise and loves me! This makes a big difference.

 4.     I remember that Nothing is impossible with God. Jesus said in Luke 18:27 “ What is impossible with man is possible with God.” I have walked through many deep valleys and have seen God repeatedly do what seemed impossible. It was not always quick, but He has always been faithful.

 5.     God answers prayers. Any time I spend with God in prayer over whatever it is that is troubling me, I know that He hears me.  I am not wasting my time! James 5:16b “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful”

 Perhaps your list is different. Whatever it is, please know that these truths stand. They have been proven and practiced by many people. God knows and sees, and He loves you.  Your trouble does not worry Him. He is big enough and does not wring His hands in despair. Trust Him today with whatever is troubling you. He will hear you as pray and carry for you this very heavy burden if you are willing to leave it with Him.

 Dear Father,

I give you this boatload of trouble. today. I don’t know what to do or even if there is something I ought to do. Give me your peace and assurance that You have this in hand. Thank you that I am seen by you; I am not hidden!

In Jesus Name,


Not Every Day is the “Same old, same old”!

“ And we won’t know how to worship until we get there”  Exodus 10:26b

 I forget sometimes that God is not a creature of habit like I am, like most of us are. This verse jumped off the page as I was reading my Bible this morning.

 I have met the Lord in worship in church but also while walking, driving, or sitting in nature. God is not limited in the ways He wants us to worship Him. He is creative - we all know that.

 In Exodus, as Moses is negotiating with Pharoah concerning the freedom of God’s people, he tells Pharoah that they won’t know exactly how God wants them to worship Him until they get there! I have honestly never thought of that. I tend to be pretty standard as to when and how I worship God.

 However, when we read Romans 12:1, we are reminded that as we give all we are to God, this too is a sacrifice of praise - “ a living and holy sacrifice - the kind that he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him.”

 As we give ourselves to God daily, we are worshipping Him! As you and I obediently live out whatever He asks of us, from baking cookies for a neighbor to singing for Him in the choir. We need to listen and see how He is leading us. Our service for Him today is our act of worship and that can change from day to day.

 God loves you and draws you into worship, and it is not just singing out songs of praise on a Sunday morning - which is great, but there is more!

 I read a book several years ago though I sadly forgot the title! This man would ask God every day, “Where do you want me to sit with you today that I might worship and listen for Your voice?” It is easy to get stuck in a rut in many areas of our lives, including worship. And sometimes we won’t know what He has in mind until we get to that very place.  What He has in mind for you that day may not be your favorite chair!

 Dear Father,

I worship You today because You are worthy, and I love to worship You! Lead me today as I sit with You. I give myself entirely to You as an act of worship. Show me what You have in mind for me today. How can I demonstrate your love today?

 In Jesus Name,






What to do when a relationship with a loved one hangs by a thread.

 In our work with the streets of downtown Toronto, one thing we have noticed among many of those struggling with addiction/mental illness is this. Many have little to no contact with their families.

 If there is one thing anyone who loves someone lost in this struggle knows, it is how hard these loved ones can make be to love!

 When I think about how we managed to keep those relationships going in the middle of the mess of addiction, this image comes to my mind.

 Years ago, our family would go backwoods camping. It would involve carrying canoes and all kinds of supplies over portages. Those portages, with our heavy loads, were always challenging. The worst was when it was raining, and the paths were littered with roots and rock, adding to that the bridges. They were often slippery and uneven. You could not just stroll along you had to consider each step and not rush. The load you carried made the path even more challenging.

 Relationships with someone particularly struggling with active addiction take a similar practice. Each step is careful. The load is heavy and often awkward. No two are the same and it takes a boatload of wisdom, patience, and a ton of grace.

 1 Cor. 13 reminds us that love is patient and it is kind and keeps no record of wrongs. That is much easier to live this out with people who are doing well and quite another thing when it is when we are talking about an addict or someone with mental illness.

 Many people give up on those who are struggling because it seems like there is no way forward. As we become exhausted and stripped of all hope there are those days when keeping that relationship going was very challenging, but we would tell you, it is worth it.

 Keeping the door open was a priority we worked at hard every day and no it was not easy. We did it one day at a time and step by step with much prayer.

 We also invited Christ to share the load. Matthew 28:30 “ Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

 When difficult relationships are in our lives- looking to Christ to share the weight makes a big difference, at least it certainly did for us. We need wisdom, strength, and peace in the middle of the mess. Christ can give that.

 Many days were harder than others, we would go to God over and over in a day, asking for wisdom to know what we could do that was helpful and what was not. Setting healthy boundaries is very important.

 The last point I would make is this. Bill and I were and always will be on the same page. We had to struggle some days to get there, but we did. As the challenges came, we stood united. That was helpful.

 Dear Father,

Thank you for being willing to be my burden bearer. I lay down the hard relationships in my life and ask that you take the weight off of me. Watch over my loved one and do what I cannot. I ask for your peace, strength, and wisdom for today. Thank you, Father,

In Jesus Name,









The Top 4 I Tell People who have loved Ones, struggling with Addiction.

When we meet with people who have loved ones struggling with addiction or mental illness, despair and hopelessness are very close to the surface. It is one thing to watch someone who is struggling with a disease that came to them perhaps through genetics or exposure to some unhealthy thing.  It is altogether different when someone chooses day after day to go and destroy themselves. It is hard to understand the strength of the compulsion that addiction holds if you don’t struggle with it.

 In our devotional, Hope For An Unwanted Journey, we discuss many more truths; these are just 4 that come rushing to my mind today. We did an interview a few days ago about the book and had to summarize the most important things we want to tell people, My top four are listed below.

1.     There is always hope.

2.     You will not cure the addiction; you are good but not that good. They have to want to quit. It is likely one of the hardest things in this world to watch.

.3.  It is not your fault.

 4. Do not put your hope in your loved one. Put your hope fully on God. This is where you will find hope. 

We are lost without prayer. We have a Good Shepard who sees our loved one tangled in the brambles, or down on the ledge, over the cliff. It may be impossible for you are I to rescue them, but not Him.

 Psalms 46:1 reminds us that “God is our refuge and strength, a every present help in trouble”.  He sees and hears your prayers. He can show you what you ought to do and what you need to leave with Him.

Sometimes all our intervening, though done out of our desperate love, is not helpful. It may make us feel a bit better for a moment. I remember all too well the many things we did, the money we spent, thinking this would make the difference. And it did not - maybe for the moment, but that moment passed.


When we walk an impossible journey, we need a God who is more than able, and who never sleeps or slumbers. We need a God who looks at the suffering of our loved ones and says again,  nothing is impossible with Me. Your loved one is not a lost cause. Not in the eyes of Jesus.

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for today. Thank you that nothing is too difficult for you. I lay more loved one down again at your feet and pray that You would intervene in their life. Renew in me hope and strength for all that I am dealing with today. My hope is in You alone.

 In Jesus Name,


Even If...


“ But even if he does not, we want you to know Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” Daniel 3: 18

 A New Year has begun and here is an important reminder for all of us for 2024. If you read through the story of Shadrack, Meshach, and Abednego we meet three very brave men who trusted God no matter what. Even if God was not going to deliver them from the fiery furnace, worshipping the idol that the King had made of himself was not going to happen, not ever.

 Even if prayers should be part of our lives simply because God does not always answer our prayers as we had hoped. We believed Him, quoted all the Bible verses, and trusted Him, and He did not come through. How will we respond?

 Bitter disappointments have a way of planting seeds of resentment and frankly a weakened faith. We can be shaken when things don’t turn out as we believed. Isaiah 55: 8 says “‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways’ declares the Lord.”

 The image of a boat anchored comes to mind, the wind is whistling, and the waves rock the boat. What keeps the boat steady at all is the anchor. In my life, Jesus is the anchor who holds me steady regardless of what comes my way. I won’t lie, I have my moments of panic, but then quickly turn to God for direction and wisdom.

 In 2024 can we trust God no matter what happens? If health challenges come or continue for you or financial challenges haunt you daily? What about the challenges in relationships? Things are not going as you had hoped. Whatever you face, whatever the battle that is before you, can you trust God no matter what and still praise Him even if things do not go as you had hoped?

 Dear Father,

 I know you are good, and you are trustworthy no matter what comes to me this year. I look to you to lead and guide me daily. I will praise You, Father, no matter what. I know that your promises remain true. Fill me with your peace today. Thank you.


In Jesus Name,










When is a Counsellor Helpful?

“ For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6


 A counsellor who is wise and helpful, full of insight and good advice is a great find. It is useless, however, if we fail to listen and apply what they suggest to us.

 Years ago, I read a book by an author named Taylor Caldwell called “The Listener”. Each chapter was about these random people who would go to this simple building and sit on a plain wooden bench. In front of them was a window with a curtain drawn. If I remember correctly, the person would pour their heart out until they were finished telling their heart-wrenching story. At the end of the telling, the curtain was opened and there was a statue of Jesus Christ. I can’t remember if He was on the cross or if it was an image. The person would then sit silently, as Christ would speak quietly and with wisdom, bringing peace to the individual sitting there. It was incredible how time and time again Christ could relate and understand something of the heartache.

 In Isaiah 9:6 Jesus is called “Wonderful Counsellor”, which He is. All of this is wasted if we fail to sit with Him.

 There is a day that stands out in my memory. Christ seemed distant and silent, and I needed to talk with Him and hear from Him. So, I had just baked cookies, made myself a cup of tea, and sat down at the table. The thought came to me, set a cup of tea out for Jesus, and give Him a cookie also. So, I did. Even though He did not drink His tea or eat His cookie. I poured out my heart and He spoke. I don’t remember what was happening then, but I do remember the peace I had after visiting Him. 

 To have a Wonderful Counsellor who is available any moment of any day or night is quite something. In addition, He loves you. He is thrilled every time you sit with Him.

 The Wonderful Counsellor is available to you today. Go to Him, pour out your heart, and receive from Him what He has for you.

 Dear Lord Jesus,

 Thank you for being to me the Wonderful Counsellor. Thank you for your love for me and an open invitation to come and sit with you any time. I love that! Give me the wisdom to sit with you, to speak and listen, and then the courage to apply what you say.

 In Your precious name, I pray,



If you struggle with a good sleep- this may help!

“ There is more hope for a fool than for someone who speaks without thinking”. Proverbs 29:20

In this season of parties and family gatherings, there is no end of conversations. What a treat it would be to get through this entire season with no regrets over what we said or how we said something. How many nights have we rehearsed conversations with what we wish we would have spoken instead of what we did? 

Every time we gather, with people whether it is in a schoolyard picking up children or an office party or family gathering, our words hold power to bless or to curse or bring confusion. How do we avoid this? We could stay silent, but even with silence, regret can come. 

To have meaningful regret-free conversations is born out of thinking before we speak. That can be very challenging, especially if we get caught up in the moment. Yet, if we just take a moment to think and ask ourselves if what we are thinking of saying is worth hearing or helpful or even if it is true? All of these things can make a big difference. 

I try to make sure I have questions I can ask people. I have found people are very ready to talk about themselves and what is going on with them. They are happy that you have asked and take the time to genuinely listen. Most people never ask, “How are you doing” or “What are your plans”? There is no regret in listening! That is good news! 

One last thought that may prove helpful is to remember, that it is ok just to be silent. We do not have to fill every moment with empty chatter. 

My prayer is that in this season, we will love and listen well. May God give us wisdom and insight with each person, whatever their age. Everyone is important and how to talk and how we listen make a difference. 

Dear Father,

Thank you for this season where we do a lot of visiting. I pray that you will help me to be wise with my words and wise even as I listen. I pray that those who I spend time with will know that they are important. Love people through me this season. Thank you, Father. 

In Jesus Name,


3 Simple Reasons we should give people a second chance.

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” Ephesians 4: 32

People have always said that first impressions matter, and it is true, they do. The challenge I face, and perhaps you too, is when it is a poor impression of someone, giving them that second chance is not easy. Here are four reasons second chances matter. We are not called to be judges. We need to choose, and it is a choice to extend grace.

  1. We do not have all the details of that person’s day. Maybe they just got bad news that day and they are off their game. We all have days like that. 

  2. Many days, we don’t always give the best first impression and hope that grace will be extended to us so we too can have a second chance. 

  3. Writing people off after one meeting is harsh. While wisdom needs to be applied, so does grace and love. 

Last week I was confronted with my own harsh heart, and it challenged me to reconsider my firm judgment I had placed on this individual. I asked God to forgive me, and I returned and tried again. I still had to watch my thoughts and I am glad I did. Casting fast judgments does not require a how-to course, but letting go of the judgments and extending grace will require intentionality.  To be gracious is a choice and an important one at that. 

On those days when our hearts are running low on love and grace, ask Jesus, who is the author of all of that, to give you what is needed. He is generous. Watch your heart today and guard against those fast judgments. It can and is very habit-forming and a good one to work on getting rid of. 

Dear Father,

Forgive me today for my fast judgements that I have made. I ask for your Holy Spirit to fill me with love and grace for the people I meet today. Thank you,

In Jesus Name,


What Really Matters

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your mind, and with all your strength…, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Mark 12:30-31

I love knowing what is most important when I am dealing with a problem or facing something that is overwhelming. 

As I look ahead to December, I know it will be busier for me and likely for you as well. I was listening to my favorite podcast today, “The Lazy Genius.’ She was talking about how to get everything done and organized as we look to the month ahead of us. Getting things done always makes me a happy girl. However, I am faced with the pressing question, ‘What matters most really?’ Is it my to-do list or perhaps something else?

I was reminded of this verse, where Jesus explains to us what is highest on His agenda. To love God with all our heart... and to love the people He brings our way. This is what matters to Him the most. To love God wholeheartedly and to love people well.

I have been taking time this week to ask the Lord “Who do You want me to show your love to this week?” I am thankful that it is not a guilt thing. He will strengthen us and direct us as we look to Him. 

If your heart is feeling a bit depleted because of the challenges you are facing in your life, He has everything you need to love those He has called you to love. He loves you and is full of mercy. 

I think of many times that I had to extend my love to someone I honestly did not want to. Perhaps they had hurt me or Bill, but I had to get over that and still be loving. I had just barely managed to forgive them and now I had to show them love and mercy?! I asked God to give me what was needed, and He did. It was given to me at the moment, not beforehand.

We are called to love Him and love others, and He has everything we need to do that. 

Dear Father,

I love you and I am thankful for your love. I ask You to fill me again with your love so that I can love all the people that you bring to me. Thank you!

In Jesus Name,


 How can I know when I am facing the spirit of Intimidation?


“For God has not given us a spirit of timidity but of power and love and discipline...” 2 Timothy 1:7

 To be made timid is not a good thing.  It is not just being shy.  It is a lack of courage and confidence. It is being easily frightened.  It is pulling back from the very thing God is calling you to do.  It is to be intimidated.  Paul states here that it is a spirit, not just a personality issue.  That being the case, how can we recognize its evil presence?

 1.     The spirit of intimidation comes to us especially when we are working hard to do exactly what God has asked us to do, as Timothy was.

 Look at the story of David and Goliath. 1 Samuel 17:1-50. As you read these verses, you will see quickly that though David was being called by God to face a giant, the voices of those he encountered were very intimidating.  

 2.     It can come from those closest to us.  David’s family members were angry with him and accuse him of showing off and warn him that he is going to get himself killed. They tell him explicitly that he is acting foolishly. (28)  3.     It can come from leadership over us.  Saul, who should be supportive, attempts to sow seeds of doubt in him. He tells David in no uncertain terms that he cannot possibly take on this giant. (33)

4.     It definitely comes from our enemy.  Goliath himself is full of threats and throws insults at David. He completely mocks David making it clear that David is no threat to him. (43)

 What should we do?

 David states clearly that he has come to fight in the power of the Almighty. “You come against me with sword and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel. Whom you have defied.”

 David knew that it was God who asked him to stand up against Goliath. He was not doing it on a whim or a wish to look good. He wanted to defend the Lord’s great name and see God’s purposes go forward.

 I have often wrestled with the spirit of intimidation. Every time I write or when I speak at an event, I have thoughts in my own head saying, “People do not want to hear what you have to say”, “ You are wasting people’s time” or “ These people are totally bored - you need to stop”. That is the spirit of intimidation. I have not had to battle voices from the outside like David did, rather it is a collection of whispers in my head, especially evident when I am doing something I know that God has asked me to do.

 My life would be so much simpler if I did not bother to ever write or speak publicly. Yet, to stay silent, I feel like I have grieved God. I have learned to recognize my enemy’s voice and in Jesus Name, I rebuke it. I know who I am and why I am doing what I do. It is very different from the times I am trying something new, and it feels daunting or overwhelming. There is not a voice speaking and making me feel small and worthless. Hard things can be intimidating, but we deal with that in different ways, breaking the task up into manageable pieces, etc.

 Have you experienced the spirit of intimidation?

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for Jesus and the power of His Name.  Thank you for the way You help us to stand up against the giants in our lives. Thank you for calling me to an important task.  Give me wisdom, insight, and courage to stand firm and do what You have asked of me.

 In Jesus Name,



2  Things I am working on getting back since Covid.

Covid took a lot from all of us, some more than others. I was thinking today about what it has taken from me and what I am working hard to take back.

  1. It is easier to stay home and do my own thing than engage with friends, even though I love them, and it is life-giving!  I have discovered that I need to make a conscious decision to get out there and take time to enjoy the friends that I have. It is easier to stay home, but it is not necessarily good for me either. I am working on finding the balance. 

2. “Practicing hospitality “ Romans 12:13b

Having people over to your home, makes them feel valued and seen, everyone needs that. It gives the opportunity to learn, listen, encourage, and laugh. People do not generally care so much about what is being served, whether it is a whole meal or just dessert or appetizers.

In my experience, often waiting for the phone to ring with an invitation can be a long wait. Instead of waiting, I think and pray about who we should try to have over and we make our plans. We love it.

Over Covid, it was hard to have people over, especially in the winter months. We could do campfires, but it was really cold sometimes. I am not a girl who loves cold! I did figure out some good campfire meals though. We didn’t do it a lot, but it was really nice when we did.  It is a new day now and I choose to practice hospitality again. I am easing into it. Christmas is coming and there are lots of opportunities to share food and time with many dear people.

I am reminded that in life, there are seasons. COVID offered me a season of being home and learning to enjoy some of the simple things, puzzles, crocheting, sewing, and like so many, baking bread.

It was nice seeing people slow down and have time to re-evaluate what is important in life. Busyness has a way of quieting that voice in our lives, at least it does in mine.

I recall many times in Scripture when Christ sat and broke bread with his disciples and the people he spoke to. There were also times when he performed miracles where food and fellowship were part of the story. While there was likely a lot of laughter, also present was an opportunity to say what was important. Hospitality can open the way for us as well to have meaningful conversations.

What are you working at taking back since COVID-19?

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for being a Lord and Savior in every season of life. I pray that you will lead me through this season. I pray that you would help me to take time to care for those who need it and who will also breathe life into me. Thank you.

In Jesus Name,
