My 3 Struggles with Halloween

 When I was a kid, I loved Halloween. It was a lot lower-key in terms of decorations but was big on giving great candies. We usually dressed as cats or some other animal, except my brother, Doug. He was always a television set. We would each have a pillowcase in hand, and we would get a ton of candy. It was a lot of fun. 

 I did some reading about Halloween’s roots. For the most part, what it was in the past does not seem to inform the present. One thing that was clear, in the ancient or the Christian tradition it was a time to remember those who have passed before us. Another article spoke of a celebration of the harvest. I doubt any of this is top of anyone’s mind as kids rush door to door. It sure was not mine when I was a kid.

  Here are 3 things that troubles me about Halloween.

 1.     All the chocolate that is waiting for me to give out! They seem to call out to me no matter where they are stored. That is a problem! If I manage to leave every box unopened, well then all is well. Let’s just say one of the bags was opened and there are likely no Reece’s peanut butter cups left in that bag. 

  2. Very Frightening Decorations: In a time when the anxiety of children is at the highest level in my memory, house after house is decorated to scare the liver out of kids, at least where I live. I know it is all in “good fun”. I wonder honestly, has it gone too far? In some stores, they were even selling skeletons that talk and are about 10 to 20 feet high. Many of the front yards are now creepy-looking graveyards with skeletons clawing their way out of the ground. While creative and fun to some, it may be a little too terrifying to some kids?

 3.  Perhaps what is most penetrating for us is the way that those who practice evil take advantage of this day.  For years, it was a well-known fact that the witches of the city gathered in a bar at the intersection where our church is on this day to celebrate all that is evil.  We share nothing with them.  

 As Christians, we are given the privilege of choosing to cling to the Light of the world who is Jesus. John 8:12 “I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” In this light, we find true hope and the One who has conquered the evil one, and that is something to celebrate!

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for Jesus who is the light of the world. He is the overcomer, and I am so thankful. Give me wisdom today to navigate all that this day holds. May Christ’s light shine through me. 

 In Jesus Name,




The Difference waiting on God makes.

“Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not grow tired. They will walk and not become weary. Isaiah 40:31 (NASB1995)

It is one thing to quote a Bible verse, or sing it out in a tune, and another thing to practice and apply it. 

When we wait on God truly here are a few things that happen. 

1. Our perspective can change. – I think of times I have sat with the Lord in challenging times in my life, and he gently reminded me that His mercies are new every day. A new day for good things to happen. Even if it has nothing to do with what is happening around me, good things still happen that are worth being thankful for. 

2. As we wait on God, we can come to the realization that we are not truly trusting him in this circumstance. We are giving God a lot of advice perhaps, but not resting in Him and believing that God is able to do what you or I cannot do. When we go into His Throne room, we lay our burden down and leave it there. 

3. The peace of God that surpasses understanding is not borne out of wringing our hands in despair or fear.  Rather it comes as a result of waiting on God to make a way where there is no way. It comes from looking to Him to be our strength for this day, this hour. Some things are so challenging; we are on an hour-to-hour or even minute-by-minute practice of giving it over to God and thanking Him. 

4. As we wait on God, we are reminded that He is still God Almighty. He has not changed and will not change. Remembering the truth of this helps. While we wish and long for God to act swiftly and take all the pain and suffering away in this moment, He doesn’t. But one day He may. Until then, we look to Him for what we need to get through today. 

5. Lastly, His word of instruction on what we ought to do or not do does not come to us as we rush along. It comes to us because we wait on Him to speak and guide us. If you find yourself walking a rocky and uneven path today, you can’t run. You must walk and look to the Good Shepherd to guide you and speak to you, words of encouragement and instruction. 

This is only the beginning of a list of what comes to us as we wait up upon our Lord. He is there waiting for us to come and sit with Him. He has everything we need for today. 

Dear Father,

Thank you for the invitation to come and sit with You every day. Your throne room has no hours or time limits. Thank you for Your love and patience with me. I am so often in too big of a rush to wait on you. Here I am today though Father, speak to me and instruct me in the way I should go. 

In Jesus Name, 


Three More Eye-rolling Sayings

1.“Old dogs can’t learn new tricks”.

If we tell ourselves that we are beyond learning something new, that will become true for us; we will have given up and become old in our minds.  I don’t want to become old in my mind.  Isn’t it true that you can learn new things if you put your mind to it and do it in a way that is manageable?  I read the book ‘Atomic Habits’ recently. The whole point of the book is that small changes made doable can have a great impact. I have found this to be true.  A passage of Scripture that comes to mind is this ”…put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God” Psalm 40:3a. There is no age limit mentioned.   A new song can lead us to a new and better way of speaking, thinking, and ultimately... living. One small new step at a time. 

2.“God helps those who help themselves.”

 I have heard this saying more times than I can count. Some people think it is even a Bible verse. It is not. God helps those who call to Him and do so humbly. Consider Psalm 40:2 “ I waited patiently for the Lord, and he turned and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and the mire.”  The psalmist did not get out of this pit because of positive thinking and strategizing. He got out of this pit initially because he cried out to God who heard him and lifted him. The help was born out of a humble desperate call to God. It does not mean that we are all slugs waiting for rescue and we do nothing.  We call out to him.  We look to him for wisdom, strength, courage; whatever it is we lack. We look to God for instruction. God sees what we do not and knows what we need. Receiving it, however, begins with humility and asking him for help. 

 3  “God wants me to be happy.“ 

This way of thinking can lead us to places that are unhelpful and dangerous. While it is true God does not want to see us miserable, he does allow some fairly difficult things to happen in our lives. James 1:2 reminds us “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.“ A deep and enduring faith is possessed as we trust God through difficult days and steep climbs. To remember the promises of God and His resting presence in the storms we face is precious. The psalmist reminds us that God is a very present help in times of trouble. God loves us when times are great, as he does when days are hard.  He sees us and waits for us to call to him. If we think God wants us to be happy only, that is a naïve way of thinking. He wants us to be dependent upon Him and trust him, no matter what. 

Dear Father,

Thank you for your presence with me today. Thank you that you can put a new song in my mouth, and I ask that you do that. I ask that you give me wisdom for today, for the challenges I will face. I ask for your peace to rest on me. Thank you. 

In Jesus’ Name,


5 Popular Sayings that do not always prove to be true.

“ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

1. The grass is always greener on the other side.

I have a very distinct memory of sitting on some steps on the front porch of a girlfriend’s house. Beside me, was her husband. It had been her birthday, and it was a lot of fun and a privilege to be there. The husband, however, wow…. So, discontent with his lovely wife. He went on and on about different women he wished he had married instead. I was shocked. I remember telling him, “The grass is NOT greener on the other side”. He did not believe me. He went on to have multiple affairs. I doubt he discovered any woman better than the one who has somehow stood by him, forgiving over and over. Discontentment about many things in our lives is often the author of this kind of thinking – ‘If only...then things will be better.’ We can wait a long time and miss many wonderful blessings and victories if keep thinking like that. Sometimes we do need to act and bring change. Feeding discontent, however, can be very negative, like in my story above.

2. Things can only get better.

There is truth in this, but sometimes things are not going to get better. If we keep doing the same thing over and over, we will have the same result. If that is the result you are going for – perfect, if it is not then you have to take a moment and think about what should be done differently. If we want things to get better often it can mean hard work mixed with sacrifice. Sometimes it means standing down and letting someone experience the consequences of their choices. Constant rescuing is perhaps not helping. For things to get better, we need wisdom and insight, and God has that for us if we ask Him. 

3. It is what it is. 

I hear this said often, in fact, I say it. If I am honest, usually it means there is a situation I cannot change and shouldn’t get involved with. But sometimes it can be a fallback excuse for inaction where something does not have to be as it is right now. It could change if we do something to bring change. There are big things and there are small things. Again, we need wisdom to know what is as it is and what it is not. It reminds me of the serenity prayer. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

4. You should always tell the truth.

You should tell the truth however, sometimes the truth is not helpful. People are not always ready for the truth at that moment, and we must wait for a better time. It requires patience and discernment. There are many times I do know the truth in a situation, but it is clear to me that if I spoke the truth- it will not be received. I think it is a bit like the passage of scripture where we are warned to not cast pearls before swine.

5. All we can do is pray. 

Prayer is a mighty tool for someone who has faith leans into God’s promises and seeks God’s intervention in the impossible. To come to a place where all we can do is pray is not a negative, it is a relief. We are not without hope or without options. We look to God in prayer for what is next. What should be said or not said, done or not done? We look to Him to make the path before us manageable and clear.  Prayer often leads to action.

Giving Thanks in the Valley


“Give thanks in all circumstances as this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

1 Thessalonians 5:18

 It is easier for most people to be thankful when the sun is shining and life is going as it should. It is another matter entirely when things are not good and the way before you is blocked and the sun is not shining. No matter which way you turn, you hit obstacles, disappointment, and the impossible.

 Yet our passage says to give thanks in every circumstance noticing the next verse in this passage says nothing like “except when”. I remember well the dark days when my loved one was drinking excessively several times a week. Life was hard, not just for our loved one, but those who loved that one and had to watch and pray and pray and wait and hope. Some days were harder than others, especially when the challenges of life or ministry were piled on top.

  Many times, Bill and I would sit and pray together, our prayers of thanksgiving were sincere as we thanked Him for the simplest of things. We thanked Him for His enduring presence and for our family as they were still many wonderful things to be thankful for.

  I think the most important thing I can tell you today friend is this. It is very difficult to give thanks to God when the trials we face become our center. God alone is our center and the Rock we must stand on every day if we are going to survive this season and be able to truly give thanks to God.

  Thanksgiving has a strange way of bringing us hope, even as we ask for forgiveness and bring Jesus back into the center. While perhaps in your life, you have someone you love dearly, whose life is not going well, and try as you might, pray as you do, you see no change, no movement. We have faced many days like that. While giving thanks to God is not our natural response it remains something we are called to no matter what. Psalm 100 tells us to come into His gates with thanksgiving… let us do that this week, no matter what you are facing.   Find simple things to be thankful for. There is always something!

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for a new day and for your presence here with me. Thank you for being a God for whom nothing is impossible. I lay my burdens down today, one by one.   Thank you that you put no limit on how much I lay down and never will you say, that one is too hard for Me. Thank you for listening to my prayer.

 In Jesus Name,



A Great Blessing and an Annoying Robbery all on the same day!


Rejoice in the Lord Always and I say it again, rejoice! Philippians 4:4


We were very excited this weekend as one of our sons was able to buy a trailer at the Christian trailer park where Bill and I and his siblings also have a trailer. What a great day and such a wonderful deal and blessing for him and for us. We worked hard all day Monday to see what needed fixing on his trailer. He was so excited.

 The same day, Bill asked him if he could please help him take the boat out. Our other kids had very kindly taken our dock out. Just the boat and the lift were left. I was at our trailer getting our celebration supper cooking when he told me the motor, the gas, the plug for the boat, and all the tools were gone, even the lure from his fishing rod if you can believe it! We phoned our kids just in case for some reason they thought it wise to take the motor and gas and tools out of the boat, sadly no… all gone. Just the boat was left with the fishing rod and tackle box( hopefully everything is still there, we didn’t check that).


Bill was very disappointed. He really liked that motor. Not having the plug for the boat made getting it out of the water very challenging. He plugged the hole with a rag and he and our son dragged it out. Not an easy task if you had seen what they navigated. Normally you just drive down to the boat launch. So much easier!

 You get the idea, it was quite the day, but even at supper, we had to give thanks to God as we are still so very thankful for all He is doing and has done. We thanked him for the years that Motor served us and trust He will help us find another one. We have had to trust Him for much greater and harder things than a boat motor. It is frustrating, but people have had much worse stolen from them.

 Matthew Henry who is a Bible commentator and preacher from many years ago was also robbed. He wrote this list which made us smile.

1-    Let me be thankful first because he never robbed me before.

2-    Because although he took my wallet, he did not take my life.

3-    Although he took all I possessed, it was not much.

4-    Because it was I who was robbed and not I who robbed.

Perspective matters!

 We choose to rejoice in our Lord who does not change regardless of the day. He is good and He is good every day!

 Dear Father,

Thank you for your kindness to us, for our health, and for all the blessings that we enjoy every day.

In Jesus Name,





5 Things I am Going to Keep Doing


“ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

 It is easy to give up things that we do not like.  It is also easy to give up things that are helpful, but sometimes hard.  Here is the list I created this morning. I find some of these things hard, but I know ,I need to keep doing them!

 1.     I will not give up keeping myself in shape. Though it is not easy, it is important. No one else can do it for me. This morning I got myself back to running. It clears my head and makes me feel NOT my age. I realize many my age can’t run but thankfully I can. I may be slow, but I manage to get it done. I also lift light weights. It is doable. Whatever you choose to do – it has to be doable, or frankly, you won’t do it.

2.     I won’t stop praying for people or situations that seem impossible. I was thinking about this today. It can be discouraging to keep praying for someone and see no change. I was reminded today that God is always at work, seen and unseen. I know that with God, nothing is impossible, and I choose to believe Him and go to Him with all the impossibilities that weigh on my heart.

3.     Writing my Blog: I can’t tell you how many times I do NOT want to write. The other day, I was walking Penny – my dog whining to God about my blog. I told Him, “It is not like people read it a lot”. He said to me” I read it, is that not enough?”. Wow! So, I went home and wrote my blog. God does not always speak so clearly to me, but I love when He does.

4.     I want to keep reading. I love to read. I try to read broadly so I am learning and keeping my brain working. It is so easy to get lost in a Netflix series, but when I do that, it does NOTHING for me.

5.     Read God’s word. Reading my Bible and reflecting on His Word fills and satisfies my soul like nothing else. I like to read the news but honestly, it can really depress me. I do respond by praying about things that are happening in the world, but it will never satisfy me or soothe my soul.

 What are you determined to keep doing?

Dear Father,

 This is not my whole list, but definitely things that are important to me. Thank you for each time you help me with the things that matter. Hearing your voice and allowing you to lead me through a day is always big on my list. May I be found faithful today to do all You ask of me.

 In Jesus Name,


Two Significant Lessons I learned in parenting my 4 kids.

A few weeks ago, I watched my daughter teach her 5-year-old, to ride a two-wheeler. There is a skill to not only know how to ride a bike but teach how to ride as well. You have to know how to run along behind the child while holding on as they ride. You also have to know when it is time to let go and let the child take the risk of falling. This little girl fell plenty, but Lisa encouraged her to get back up and keep trying. It took a few days but this 5-year-old mastered riding a  bike and is extremely proud of herself as she should be. Credit goes to her but also her mom who knew when to hold on and when to let go.

 Lesson One: Learn to let go at the right time.

 We do not parent a 4-year-old the same way we parent an 11-year-old or an 18-year-old. Things change, don’t they? A wise parent realizes in the teen years you better figure out what you need to say in as few words as possible because that is all they may well listen to. My teens hated lectures as I remember. They would listen to a story that made the point- as long as it didn’t take too long to tell it. Whereas when they are younger- it is often easier. They have more time for you and what you have to say. The younger kids needed more guidance, the older ones wanted to practice being independent. Finding the balance was challenging, sometimes we got it right, and other times... we did not.

 Lesson Two- Learning to discern when we as parents ought to step in and “fight” on behalf of our kids and when to leave it to God to sort out.

 “ He said, Listen, all you people of Judah and Jerusalem! Listen, King Jehoshaphat! This is what the Lord says, ‘ Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s. 1 Chronicles 20:15

 I think one of the hardest things for us as parents is having the courage to let our kids experience the consequences of poor choices or when they are recipients of something unkind or unfair.

 As I look back over the years of parenting 4 kids, the hardest thing for me to do, was to truly let go and let God do whatever He had in mind. It is easier when they are young and fall off the bike and you can bandage their knees. But it is another story entirely when they are older and face disappointments and failures. For example, times they don’t get the job, or they lose a job - or miss a promotion, or perhaps a significant relationship dissolves. The desire to step in and rescue is pretty strong, but it is not always wise. Sometimes we get to, but more often than not, we are left to pray and trust God to work things out.

 The finest work of our life is not our work or our ministry but our children. The hardest thing God has asked of us is to raise 4 children to walk humbly and trust in God every day of their lives. I am thankful He was there to guide us every day.

 In this passage in 1 Chronicles 20:16, the people of God are called to simply stand watch as God fights for them. Sometimes they had to fight, but not this time. Victory came and it was all God.

 May God give us courage and wisdom to know what He is saying to us as we think of our loved ones and the challenges they face.

 Dear God,

 Thank you for my kids and for your presence with us. I ask that you give me the wisdom to leave them with you always.  But God, when you want me to step into a situation which they are facing, give me wisdom to do or say what I ought to say, and not one word more or less.

 In Jesus Name,


Stop talking about it and give it to God!

“ Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” 1 Peter 5:8

 The other day we tried to trim our dog, Penny. It did not go well; our trimmers were not working! Today I was determined to go to a store nearby and get them fixed. Off I went, we had talked about it more than once. I walked down our street, money in hand with one goal in mind.  Except for one problem… I forgot to bring the clippers with me.

 I was thinking as I walked back to get them, how prayer is a bit like this. We talk, sometimes excessively, about our problems and worries, but fail to give them over to God.

 In the same way, the clipper fix-it man does not fix the clippers unless he has them, so God cannot help us with the cares that are heavy on our hearts and minds if we fail to bring them to him. God invites us to cast every care onto Him and leave it there. When you think about the word “cast” the image of throwing something down comes to mind – a stone, perhaps, into a vast body of water and letting go of it - otherwise, there you will stand, stone in hand.

 My question to you today is this; Is there anything in your life at this moment you are talking about but not giving over to God? My prayer for you and for me is that we will have the courage, faith, and wisdom to bring every burden to God – even the very large ones, but not forgetting those that are lesser.

 I love how God reminds us here that He does care for us. He is not indifferent some days we may suppose. That is not true. God does not change from day to day, caring more on a Monday than on a Wednesday. He cares for you every day and this invitation is a 24/7 invitation.

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for caring for me and inviting me to cast all my cares upon you, every day. You do not change your mind. Today, I want to do just that. Today, I give you everything that is weighing upon my heart and mind. Take this burden(s). I leave them at your feet. Thank you that nothing is too hard for you.

 In Jesus Name,


Simply Listening Saves Us !

“He who answers before listening - that is his folly and shame.” Proverbs 18;13

 Who among us have not spoken too quickly? Perhaps we were anxious, nervous or in a rush. We assume we already know what they are going to say and rush to respond. The end result is the same. Our words end up making no sense and are wasted; simply unhelpful.  We try to pull them back but that is a little like backing up a long train once it has left the station.

 Not only are we left feeling, and perhaps looking, a bit foolish.  We also convey a message to the one whom we have interrupted that we don’t have time to hear them out. I have done this as a parent, or a spouse and as a friend. It grieves me when I think about it, if I am to be honest.

 Years ago, I read a very good book called “Margin”. One of the helpful pieces of advice I read there was to always remember, – “no one is as interested in what you have to say as you.”

 I have discovered that if I keep this truth in mind, I become a better listener and can be more present as people talk. 

 Listening to people is a principal which the Scriptures teach; “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” Romans 12:10  One of the greatest ways we honor one another is by taking time to listen to them. The other side of this coin is knowing when we have said enough. I think it perhaps takes time to learn this, but people can only listen so long, and we have to know when enough is enough! To honor people is not just listening to them but also knowing when it is time to be the listener, if we have been the talker!

 Lastly this principal has no age limit on it; whether we are listening  to children or aging parents, friends, or employers.  Putting on patience and kindness has a way of ushering in the opportunity to be better listeners.

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for your patience with me as I pray and talk over all kinds of things with you. I ask that in this next week you will give me the wisdom and patience to listen well and be slow to speak and quick to listen.

 In Jesus Name,






Do you ever feel smarter then God?

“ What sorrow awaits those who argue with their Creator. Does a clay pot argue with its maker? Does the clay dispute with the one who shapes it, saying ‘ Stop you are doing it wrong!’ Does the pot exclaim, ‘ How clumsy can you be?’. Isaiah 45:9

 I am not always a good passenger, especially when my husband is driving. I am pretty sure I can do better most of the time. He does not always enjoy driving with me. When I get scared and gasp because I think we got a bit too close to the car in the next lane whether it is his fault or the other driver, is immaterial. It scares me and in turn, when I gasp, I have almost caused accidents because I scare the liver out of Bill! As I reflect on this passage, I realize I do the same thing to God. Though His response is very different.

 In this passage, the people of God are in captivity in Babylon. God is raising up Cyrus to act on His behalf to set the people free. Many scholars believe he reflects the Redeemer to come. As you keep reading, we see the attitude of the people reflected in verse 9. God’s people are not happy. They are full of suggestions for God concerning their well-being and how He could be doing better.

 How many times have we found ourselves thinking we know for sure how God could have and should have done something so much better? We are not God. It is like us seeing one piece of a 1000-piece puzzle and then assuming to know exactly what this whole picture is and where is one piece fits.

 God sees the entire puzzle of our lives, from start to finish. The good news is that God is smarter than we are on our smartest day. God is all-wise and powerful. Will there be things in this life which will devastate us or confuse us? Yes! Will we wonder where was God? Possibly. We know He is the Good Shepherd every day. He does not take holidays and He is very near to us in times of trouble.(Psalm 46:1)

 I have all kinds of questions for God when I see Him. I struggled for years trying to understand why He allowed my dad to die young. I made a deal with God that I would go to Bible college in another province and His job was to take care of my dad. He passed away 7 months later. I struggled for years to understand what was God thinking? Why did He allow this to happen?

 I still have no answer, but I do have peace. I have come to a place where I can trust God in the midst of unanswered questions. If I have the courage to ask Him when I stand before Him, I will ask then. Until that day, I choose to trust Him and His goodness. I hold tight to His steadfast love which never changes.

 Dear Father,

Forgive me for the many suggestions and ideas I keep laying before you. Forgive me for my doubting and complaining that comes when I do not see Your hand move in the way I thought it should. I know it is I who serves You and NOT You who serves me. God, I trust You with my unanswered questions and unresolved situations in my life. Help me to trust and rest in You today.

In Jesus’ Name,




Taming the Impossible!

“ The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Proverbs 12: 18

 Have you ever stood in wonder as you reflected on what you just said? Where did that come from? And you were ashamed. Your words helped no one, especially the one who had to listen to you. Immediately the Holy Spirit is letting you know that He is grieved. I am so tired of this. How long oh Lord will I find myself in this place?

 No wonder David in the psalms says in prayer and promise to God “ I said, ‘ I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin; I will put a muzzle on my mouth while in the presence of the wicked”. Proverbs 39:1 . I am not sure what difference the presence of the wicked make, for me it is in the presence of anyone. In Ephesians 4: 29-32 I am reminded that “ no unwholesome talk should come out of my mouth but only what is useful for the building up of one another. These verses refer to the people of God. I find it curious that within verses we are also instructed to forgive one another and be patient with each other. Turn from anger and wrath, and malice. I think that is because this is the driving force behind negative and unhelpful speaking. I think for me some days I am simply careless and this itself leads down dark roads.

 There is this guy who lived many years ago. He is a Greek Sage named Publius who said “ I have often regretted my speech, but never my silence.”


My words, our words matter to those that have to listen to us and to God. He even warns us that we are accountable to him for every word spoken ( Matthew 12:36). That alone stops me in my tracks. May we take a moment today and ask ourselves if the words we are going to speak?

·      Are they helpful?

·      Are they true?

·      Am I repeating myself??? ( a problem I have)

 Today, let’s practice taking a breath and thinking before we speak. It will help us all have a better day!

 Dear Jesus,

Thank you that as I confess my sin you forgive me. Today may I be careful to speak about what is helpful. I pray that today I will be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.

 In Jesus Name


7 Things I want to tell my grandchildren before my days are done.

“We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about his power and his mighty wonders” Psalm78: 4

 We have a wall covered in photos in our dining room; none are great photos but that is not why they are there. Each photo represents a story of God’s provision and prayers answered. When our grandchildren come over, these pictures make a way for us to tell them of how God did what we could not.

 We serve a God who is faithful and fully trustworthy. I did not know any of my grandparents well. I met one grandmother twice and the other grandmother was never very interested in me or my siblings. I have no memories of any stories from her. My grandfathers’ had passed away long before I was born. I want to be a different sort of grandmother. I for sure want to be a fun grandmother but there are some other things I want them to remember. This is the truth most dear to my heart.My prayer and practice is to share these truths along the way with each precious child.

 Here is my list:

·    1.  Tell each of my grandchildren that life can be hard in this world, but God is real and able to help. I want them to know that when trouble comes, He truly is a very present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1).

·     2. Help them understand that God sees them, and He loves them.

·      3.Tell them that He is unchanging, , all-powerful and true through every generation.

·      4. I want my grandchildren to know that Jesus makes a huge difference in my life every day and I am lost without Him.

·     5. Tell them that Jesus gives us purpose and is merciful; He forgives us when we fall short.

·      6. Help them see that He is merciful and kind. He has plans for their precious lives and they are good plans.

·     7.  I want them to know that they have choices; all kinds of choices and decisions to make ahead of them. As they make those choices, I hope and pray that they will “ Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well”. Matthew 6:33

 They will not seek Him if they do not know that He is worthy to be sought. Someone has to tell them.I hope and trust their parents do but I want to do my part as well. Psalm 78 reminds us of how and why we need to tell stories of what we have seen God do over the years. It makes a difference. It did then and it does now.

 We all have stories, big and small. May God give us the wisdom and courage to speak up when the opportunity comes. Life can be frightening as we all know. All we have to do is read the news on any given day to know that. I think of what life will be like for these precious children in the years ahead. They will need someone bigger than people to lead them through whatever is ahead. He will be as faithful to them as He has been to us. I want them to know.

Dear Father,

You have given me many assignments in my lifetime, this one though is very dear to my heart. I ask that you would show me when an opportunity to speak up is before me. Help me to say what is needed and not a word more. Give me wisdom and insight into what truths you would have me share. What are my stories that I can share with them? Holy Spirit, draw each of my grandchildren to yourself. I pray for that child whose parent will not allow me to speak- then Holy Spirit, please do what I cannot. I pray for my loved one, soften their heart and draw them to yourself.

Thank you

in Jesus Name,



My Battle with that Wretched Scale!

“My Enemies will retreat when I call to you for help, This I know; God is on my side!”

Psalm 56:9

 I had a dream last night I went to the store to buy new workout pants and there were none that would fit me. I dreamt; everyone was pointing out all this weight I had gained back.

 I have been battling in my head about gaining back the weight I lost. I am pretty sure it was just me and my fears.

 I have not weighed myself. I have discovered that I have given that scale way too much power. When I stand on it and it is two pounds more than I want it to be or, God forbid, five pounds more, I will feel defeated.

 How can a number have that much power to dictate how I am going to feel about myself that day? Does anyone else know what I am talking about here? I have been battling this in my head for a long time. It is hard to simply “face the music” and chose to step on the scale and deal with what I see there. I would rather not. Why do I have to know? Why not just make sure my clothes fit me well and make that my target? That is my new plan.

 I started to read “Atomic Habits” by James Clear yesterday and what he says makes a lot of sense to me. Rather than count everything I eat and obsess over that, I will work on becoming a smart snacker as this is my downfall. It is something that is doable for as long as God gives me breath.

 Psalm 56 is about David being forced to take refuge among his enemies, the Philistines, because he is being hotly pursued by his own king, Saul. He feigns madness to save his own life.  Remember that David killed their hero, Goliath has defeated them in battle many times. He is in a very vulnerable spot.  David is calling out to God in this Psalm. I love verse 8 where he says, ”You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” It is amazing to think that God has done this not only for David but for us.

 I have not conquered any leaders and am not staying up crying over this small frustration regarding me and the scale battle, but it does bother me.

 God invites me and all of us to come to Him and talk things over. I know that just like David, God is on my side as He is yours. Verse 10 reads “I praise God for what He has promised”; that is where I will keep my eyes today.

 I know that I am loved as I am, and this is true for you as well. Today I will spend my energy concerning myself with wise choices and pray for the greater issues facing me and those around me. That is a wise way to live!

 Dear Father,

 I ask that You change me from the inside. Quiet the lies and let me rest rather in what is true and important. I ask that you walk with me through each moment of this day.

 In Jesus’ Name,


What about the Gamers who we love and are lost in their World

2 Cor. 10:3 “ For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.’

 The number of sons, in particular, living out their lives playing video games is staggering. I have honestly lost track of how many moms I have met over the years with the same story. Daughters too are not exempt; it just seems to afflict boys more than girls.

 In addition to the gaming addiction, often there is layered on top an addiction to marijuana and a struggle with depression as well. It is generally the same story, and the mother stands before me brokenhearted, not knowing what to do. There is not a simple answer, but I do know where I would start.

 I was at a pastors’ conference, and I heard about a very cool ministry, certainly not one God is calling me into. There are these 2 pastors who live online gaming and meet these very same young people from all over the world. They build a relationship with the kids and when the opportunity is right, they share Christ. It is remarkable what they are doing, and I am very grateful for what they do.

 I asked them what advice they would have for parents of these kids, and they said “Just love them and try to understand their world. Maybe learn about the games they play”.

 Honestly, while that may be good advice, it falls short to this mother’s heart. I told them I would rather pray my loved one out of the basement and out of that pretend world. They said that “I was not being realistic. “

 They do not know my story.

 I know that if God could rescue my son out of the world of addictions, He is big enough to rescue these beloved sons from the addiction which has captured them. Why would we doubt Him? Did He not hang the stars in place and give us life?  Has He not come specifically to set the captives free?  Does He not heal us?  Surely, He is big enough to rescue these ones as well.  

 One of my favorite Bible verses will forever be “ The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon Me because He anointed me to preach good news to the poor; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners. “ Isaiah 61:1

 I read this and think, “Why would I settle for anything less than what our Lord has promised us?” How do we start? With prayer.  We must earnestly lean into God through prayer, day after day, until the battle is won.

 We fought in prayer for years for our son and then the battle was won. We thank God for the power of prayer and for His intervention.

Dear Jesus,

 Thank you that You are indeed big enough to rescue my loved one, to come and intervene. Bring the light of Your presence and set my loved one free. Heal and restore their life Jesus. My hope is in You. Give me wisdom as I am in desperate need of it. Thank you,

 In Jesus’ Name,


 P.S. If you have a loved one who is captive to something, please consider the devotional Bill and I wrote called Hope for an Unwanted Journey. Each week is based on something God taught us in the valley. Perhaps it would be helpful to you or someone you know. It is available through us (email me at or Indigo online, Barnes and Noble. Amazon sells it but they are asking way too much money, I would not go with them.





The Hidden Life and the Light

“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. This is why it is said: ‘Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.’” Ephesians 5:11-14


I have the tendency to be a sneaky little rascal. Although I don’t have an addiction to any one particular thing, I struggle with wanting to keep my sin hidden away. I know that Christ calls me to live in the light and not to keep anything hidden, and I know that sin, when kept in the dark, damages my soul and my relationships. Romans 7:15 reads “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” I strongly resonate with Paul when he says, “I don’t understand what I do”, because although I know exactly what I’m doing, I really don’t comprehend why I continue to sin, and then hide it. Lately, I have been working through that ‘why’ with Jesus – why is it that I choose to keep my sin hidden in the shadows?

What has become clear to me is that I have created an image of myself that I both desire and feel obligated, to maintain for the sake of myself and others. When I fail to live up to the standard I hold myself to, rather than confessing it, I think: “Don’t tell anyone. Hopefully over time it will go away. I need everyone to believe that everything is fine and dandy here”. Jesus has been revealing to me the truth behind my sneaky tendencies. My deepest character flaws are not actually the sins that I am hiding, but that I am hiding them! This, my friends, is pride. Pride is far more concerned about looking righteous than about being righteous. Righteousness can only come from being forgiven and covered by the blood of Jesus, and we can only be forgiven when we confess our sins (1 John 1:9).


Two things that are true for all people is that we have each been created with a deep desire to be known, and to be accepted. However, when we look to people to fulfill those desires, we are often left feeling rejected and/or alone. If I am completely vulnerable with someone in every area of my life because I want to be known, there is a real possibility I won’t be accepted. If I truly want to be accepted, I might only allow people to know the acceptable parts of my life, but then again, I won’t be known. How then can I be known and accepted? My simple conclusion is this: Jesus already does! Jesus died to have a relationship with you while knowing everything about you. There is no one that can love you deeper, and no one that can know you better than God. Having God’s approval must matter to me more than the fear of being rejected by people.

God desires that each of us will have life to the fullest, fully satisfied in Him, and a crucial part we play in that is allowing a community of believers to see the real version of us. Once our need for approval and being known is first met in Jesus, vulnerability with people (though the risks of rejection still exist) is then possible for us! The way in which people see us and define us will no longer have the same power over us when the words of Jesus who says that we are known and loved and seen and accepted by him are the foundation on which our identity and worth are built. Darkness only has power in the dark, but once it’s in the light it becomes a testimony to the goodness of God.


The Beauty of Remembering and the Smile that Follows

I thank my God every time I remember you. Phil 1:3


I was standing in my kitchen the other day, debating what to make for supper. I looked over my favorite online resources and nothing really resonated. I thought, why not look through my recipe box. I have had this thing since I got married in 1983 and have recipes from many dear friends and their precious moms who have long since passed. Some are from family members who mean the world to me.

 I want to share how special it was going through the various sections, seeing the names of all these dear people. Some recipes are not so popular anymore, but that does not mean they are not good.

 While online is wonderful and I will for sure go back to it and look up stuff that is not in my recipe box, but it is different, I have no relationship with the creator of the recipe. There is something very special about finding an old recipe written by my own mothers’ handwritting and reading it over. Memories, precious memories come flooding in.

 I also have a few cookbooks from churches I have been a part of or associated with over the years. They used to share recipes and put their names by their recipe. I know many of these names, some remain dear friends, some they have gone on to glory, but their recipe is still here. I love that. Call me nostalgic, but it is a special way to collect recipes and treasure memories.

 One thing I will say about having a recipe box and the recipes I have gathered there, is simply this, I know which ones are great and how they will turn out. While it is nice to experiment and I do love that, it is equally great to make something I can be confident in as well. There are already enough uncertainties some days!

 I wonder if you have a recipe box or would want to start one? It is so nice to have this unique way to remember those we have walked through life with.

 Dear Father,

Thank you for those who have been special to me over the years. I feel so blessed today. Thank you for your love and constant presence with me. Thank you for the gift of remembering!

In Jesus Name,




7 Tips to help us to know if a dream is from God or not

Acts 2:17 “ In the last days God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy and your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”

 I have had many people ask me this question over the years. Some of us hear things - “words” from God or we dream dreams and wonder was this from God?

 How can we know when something is indeed from God and not just a wish from our heart? Or a dream that is my subconscious working overtime?

 1.     A word from God or a dream will never contradict God’s Word.

2.     Anything from God will have a settled peace about it, even if the dream was truly frightening by nature. God’s peace still rests in it.

3.     Anything that comes from God - does not condemn.

4.     Remember the fruit of the Spirit laid out in Galatians 5:22, “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience kindness, goodness, faithfulness...” If a “word from God” evokes anything other than this, it is not from Him.

5.     God can give warnings in dreams especially, but even in that, there is a sense of His presence.

6.     Beware of the fruit of confusion and disunity or hopelessness. When a word or a dream produces this, it is not from God.

7.     “So is my word that Goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the  purpose for which I sent it.”  Isaiah 55:11  God will do what He shows or says He will do even if it is not the next day or month. At His time, He will fulfill what He has indicated. We must wait for His timing.

 I have had various prophetic type dreams and visions for many years. It was a great relief to me when someone took a few moments to help me discern whether what I see, hear, or dream is from God or not.

 The most helpful was simply that there is peace and not confusion or fear when it is from God. All the others are so important but for me, the aforementioned is what I needed to hear at that time.

 When there is a dream that I am quite sure is from Him, I pray, and so does my husband, for understanding and clarity so that we respond in a way that is pleasing to Him.

 I have had many very wonderful dreams too! But that is all they were. The ones that come from God feel different. It is like when you are in a conversation and lots is being said and all of a sudden one person is speaking and you hear in your head. “pay attention, this is important.”

 Dear Jesus,

I pray that you will give me wisdom and clarity to discern when I dream or hear something spoken. Give me the understanding to know what is from you and what is not. Thank you for your speaking voice.

 n Jesus’ Name,





Prayer and Puppies


They gave Moses this account. ‘We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is the fruit. But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large.” Numbers 13:27-28

 God’s people were promised a new land and while they saw the beauty of the land, yet they quickly moved to fear. 

 When we face things, which we don’t know or can’t see concretely, perhaps obstacles that stand in our way, fear can rise very quickly. Everything that can go wrong begins to flash in front of us.  We can so quickly see all that looks impossible, hurdles that are too big to navigate.

 For me, sometimes I will be wise and go straight to prayer and truly give it over to God before it gets to the fear factor. Most often though, I stress and try to figure out how I am going to deal with whatever is before me. 

 We have a guardian dog, named Penny.  She has been due to go into heat right when I have a 5-day commitment to speak at a camp. I kept picturing Penny going into heat and me trying to get her to the vet to be bred, which I hear is like 4 visits, and then driving back to camp, speaking, and doing this all over again. My stress level rises just typing this out! 

 Well, I have never prayed for a dog to go into heat at a good time - a time that works well for me, but I did this time. Guess what? She went into heat a few days ago. She is about 4 weeks early. The timing works SO much better! To make things even better, the breeder said we will wait until the next time as Penny is not 2 years old yet! Such relief.

 My point is, some of you may roll your eyes that I would pray about such a small thing while being surrounded by much greater suffering and stress’ of people very dear to me. Here is the truth, even these small issues matter to God. He invites all of us to be anxious for nothing (Phil. 4:6) which includes the big stuff and the small stuff. 

 The Israelites forgot that God was giving them the land in the story of Numbers 13. In Isaiah 55:11 it says, “It is the same with my word, I send it out and it always produces fruit. I it will accomplish all I want it to and will prosper where I send it.” 

 God says He is with us, and He is. He promises us He is big enough and cares for what is keeping us awake at night. Take your cares and worries to God today. He loves you and sees you. What you are dealing with today is not a surprise for Him and it is not too hard for Him. 

 Dear Father,

 Thank you we are invited to bring any burden to you no matter how big or small.. You are not surprised by it, and you do not roll your eyes. You receive our burdens and will lead us and take care of the deta. Thank you for your presence.

 In Jesus Name,






Two very unpopular topics

Matthew 24: 30 “ And then at last, the sign that the Son of Man is coming will appear in the heavens, and there will be deep mourning among all the peoples of the earth. And they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. : (NLT)

 The two the most unpopular topics anyone talks about is hell and the second coming of Jesus. I was talking to someone last week and asked them what they thought about the second coming because this is what my bible study was about that week. He said he never thought about it and he hopes Jesus is not coming any time soon. To be honest I have not thought a lot about it lately.

 I have had a few dreams about the Lord’s return many years ago. Frankly, Jesus’ return is not on many people’s lips though if you read the entire passage of Matthew 24, perhaps it should be.

 I asked God about Jesus second coming this past Wednesday. I asked Him if He had something to say to me about it. At that time, there was silence. Yesterday was Thursday and I was just coming down my street with my dog Penny. I saw and heard a guy singing a song, it sounded to me like a made-up song. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard the words to his tune, “Jesus is coming back, thank you Lord.” That was the sum of his song. It was so strange. I have never heard a song sung by anyone  walking down our street and I have lived here for 29 years. This is the song I hear.

 There was a movie made about the end of the world called  “Don’t look up”. It is about a meteor that would be coming in 6 months and destroy the entire world. I would not call it a life-giving movie, but it is a poignant concept. Everyone knew it was coming, but most people lived in complete denial that it was true. So, they kept living just as they had all along.

 Jesus is coming back, though we don’t know when. We just know the scriptures teach that He is. My prayer is that when He does come, He will find His people doing what He has called them to do.

 His return should inspire hope and not fear. The days of suffering will end, and tears will be wiped away and the books will be opened. A new heaven and a new earth will follow. It is hard to imagine but what a thought for the day.

 Dear Jesus,

 I thank you that you are coming back. I pray that I will be found doing what you have asked of me. I thank you for the hope that is mine as I think about you coming in all your glory. Every eye will see and there will be no doubt on that day.

 In Jesus’ Name,
