God's Speaking

Looking Beyond

Sitting in the Dr's office waiting for one very dear to us to be finished. I feel weary to my core. Yet, it was in this moment the God spoke to me.

He told me to look past this moment and that this is not forever. He reminded me that while the temptation is to put my trust in people or Dr's is great and may be easier, really my trust needed to be in Him.

Then as I sat there praying, in my minds eye I could see what looked like a massive pair of scissors, reaching down through the heavens, cutting off what from my point of view are massive chains. From God's point of view, they look like threads. It may sound weird but God often speaks to me in pictures. This one brought me comfort and proper perspective.

Since this day( which was only two days ago), I have had remarkable peace. There is comfort- great comfort and peace to know that the One who holds the universe in His hand, who is perfect and all wise, abounding in love- sees me and the one so very dear to us. In the middle of our struggles and heartbreak- there is light and peace and the presences of God Almighty.