God's Voice in the Midst of a Changing Landscape

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Sometimes plans change and not just a little bit. It can be deeply unsettling, in fact, it can steal every ounce of joy in you. In this festive season, we celebrate the joy of a Savoir, but sometimes frankly all the carols and shortbread cookies, cannot address the unsettledness of your own soul. Then what?

This is where I found myself yesterday. I was overcome by a situation in our lives we are facing. It is unsettling, to say the least. I felt like I had gained 25 pounds except it was not physical weight, but a heaviness that pulled from the core of my being. 

I took out my Bible and started to read Psalm 46. This is a Psalm that describes God who is present in the changing landscape- earthquake, mountains crumbling and the ocean waters surging and how the writer of the Psalm will not give into fear because "The Lord of Heavens Armies is here among us; the God of Isreal is our fortress". (Psalm 46:7)

The drive home yesterday afternoon was brutal but a gift to me. It gave me time to turn off the radio, sit in traffic and be still and know that God is indeed God. Psalm 46:10 tells us to be still and know that He is God". It is hard sometimes to remember that God is bigger then any mountain that is crumbling in front of us- hopes, expectations, circumstances