3 Simple Reasons we should give people a second chance.

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” Ephesians 4: 32

People have always said that first impressions matter, and it is true, they do. The challenge I face, and perhaps you too, is when it is a poor impression of someone, giving them that second chance is not easy. Here are four reasons second chances matter. We are not called to be judges. We need to choose, and it is a choice to extend grace.

  1. We do not have all the details of that person’s day. Maybe they just got bad news that day and they are off their game. We all have days like that. 

  2. Many days, we don’t always give the best first impression and hope that grace will be extended to us so we too can have a second chance. 

  3. Writing people off after one meeting is harsh. While wisdom needs to be applied, so does grace and love. 

Last week I was confronted with my own harsh heart, and it challenged me to reconsider my firm judgment I had placed on this individual. I asked God to forgive me, and I returned and tried again. I still had to watch my thoughts and I am glad I did. Casting fast judgments does not require a how-to course, but letting go of the judgments and extending grace will require intentionality.  To be gracious is a choice and an important one at that. 

On those days when our hearts are running low on love and grace, ask Jesus, who is the author of all of that, to give you what is needed. He is generous. Watch your heart today and guard against those fast judgments. It can and is very habit-forming and a good one to work on getting rid of. 

Dear Father,

Forgive me today for my fast judgements that I have made. I ask for your Holy Spirit to fill me with love and grace for the people I meet today. Thank you,

In Jesus Name,
