5 Things I do when my world falls apart.

You don’t learn how to respond to difficult days or events sitting on a beach enjoying the sunshine. We learn the hard stuff as we live through it.

 When I have found myself in the middle of a forest with little light getting through - here is what I do.

 1.     I run to God. Psalm 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.” As I sit with God on these days, He is not only my hiding place but my source of strength as well. He gives me what I need, even if it’s on a moment-by-moment basis. Sometimes, when what we face is really tough, we have to go back to God often for the strength to keep pressing forward.

 2.     I remember that He sees me. He has not lost sight of me. Proverbs 5:21 “ For your ways are in full view of the Lord, and He examines all of your paths”. God is not surprised by whatever I am facing. He is not overwhelmed or worried. My struggles may be heartbreaking, but I know that God sees me and knows very well what exactly is happening in my world.

 3.     I remember that God is with me. Deuteronomy 31:8; “ Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; He will neither fail nor abandon you”. It is one thing to be stuck with an incompetent helper and another with God who is all-powerful and wise and loves me! This makes a big difference.

 4.     I remember that Nothing is impossible with God. Jesus said in Luke 18:27 “ What is impossible with man is possible with God.” I have walked through many deep valleys and have seen God repeatedly do what seemed impossible. It was not always quick, but He has always been faithful.

 5.     God answers prayers. Any time I spend with God in prayer over whatever it is that is troubling me, I know that He hears me.  I am not wasting my time! James 5:16b “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful”

 Perhaps your list is different. Whatever it is, please know that these truths stand. They have been proven and practiced by many people. God knows and sees, and He loves you.  Your trouble does not worry Him. He is big enough and does not wring His hands in despair. Trust Him today with whatever is troubling you. He will hear you as pray and carry for you this very heavy burden if you are willing to leave it with Him.

 Dear Father,

I give you this boatload of trouble. today. I don’t know what to do or even if there is something I ought to do. Give me your peace and assurance that You have this in hand. Thank you that I am seen by you; I am not hidden!

In Jesus Name,
