Hope Against All Odds!

“Be strong and courageous! Don’t be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria or his mighty army, for there is a power far greater on our side. He may have a great army, but they are merely men. We have the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles for us! “ 2 Chronicles 32: 7,8

 Who among us has not stood facing an obstacle, a situation or a person that frankly had the upper hand? From where we stood it looked impossible. Victory or a positive outcome was nothing short of delusional.

 To be afraid when standing before what seems impossible is a pretty natural emotion. I was thinking these last few days about how many times through the entire Bible, the words “ do not be afraid “ are mentioned. I looked it up and according to several sources they repeatedly say 365 times.

 In this passage in 2 Chronicles 32:7-8, we see the people in Jerusalem very fearful. As they stood on the wall of the city looking out, they could see the vast army of the Assyrians who were known for their cruelty and skill as an army. They had a reputation that was renowned in that part of the world.

 When you are looking up a very steep and rock-strewn path that goes straight up a mountain and you have no energy to walk that path, what will you do?  Walking it is not an option. It is made even more difficult if the last time you faced this same circumstance, it was a nightmare. Fear seizes your heart, as it does mine. The same old buttons are pressed. The tender ones, that have been pressed to many times.

 Yet, we are reminded tenderly in this passage, regardless of the past or what is before us, we have “a far greater power on our side”. God will not stand idly by watching you struggle. Psalm 26 reminds us He is a very present help in times of trouble.

 As you call out to Him today with whatever you are facing, do not be afraid, God is with you and He will help you. He will give you strength for this next step - whatever is needed. He will make a way. And that, my friend, is indeed good news. We can all use some of that!

 Dear Father,

 You see what I am facing today and know well the panic that has me in its grip.  I ask that you would bring me peace and whatever else I need to make it through. I ask for wisdom and for victory. Thank you, Father.

 In Jesus Name,
