One Truth which is better than Comfort Food!

Years ago, I went mountain climbing. It was a lot of fun but terrifying at points. One day we were at the top of a very high cliff which we had just climbed. We were told then that we had to rappel down as someone held the rope at the top of the cliff. We wore a harness and were clipped in. The person on top was called a belayer. You dearly hoped that they were strong and knew what they are doing. Otherwise, it could end very badly. When we rappelled down that rock face, it was like jumping down and then constantly pushing outward with our legs so we didn’t hit the rock. If we slipped, the rope held us secure.

 Heights are not my favorite, though I confess, this adventure, while scary, was also a lot of fun. I would do it again if I had the opportunity.

 In Psalm 63:8 it says, “ I will cling to you; your strong right hand holds me securely.” To know that God Almighty has us securely in His right massive hand, is deeply comforting. When difficult challenges come or discouraging situations, we know He still has us securely in His hand. We needn’t fear or wonder if this is too much as if it is more than He can handle. No, He holds onto us and does so with love. His eye Is locked on us and we can be sure that whatever is going on in our lives at this moment does not cause Him panic.

 We can rest in His love and enjoy the gift of peace He gives us in the middle of the storms of life. He offers us whatever is needed; wisdom, guidance, insight. He is able to help you as He holds you securely in His grip. What a great thought for today! We do not have to give into the fear that is standing nearby. Rather we can say thank you to our Father for His firm grip and His eye that is watching over us.

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for holding me secure in Your strong hand. Thank you for your constant presence and for never checking out because a situation is too hard. I know that with you, nothing is impossible. I trust you with all that is troubling me right now.

I ask for Your peace and your wisdom to fill me. Thank you,


In Jesus Name,
