Remember, God’s ways are not always our ways!

 When we drive through the city, I am full of suggestions for my husband Bill. Maybe slow down, speed up or maybe get going because the light is already green. Needless to say, I do drive him a bit nuts at times.

 I wonder if God ever thinks that way as He listens to me explain to Him just how I see a prayer ought to be answered. The difference is, that God has even more information than I do! I confess however there are times, especially when it is my family, I am convinced I have a perfect plan if God would just get on board with it and my will!

 God’s word is clear on this account, unfortunately, fortunately! In Isaiah 55:8, He says “For My ways are not your ways and your thoughts are NOT my thoughts. Declares the Lord” Can you believe it? The God of the universe who sees down the road, over the hill, and around the corner, does not see things just like you and me!

 I love Proverbs 3:5,6 “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart, Do NOT lean on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.”

 I like when we go to a fair or a concert and the parking lot is full of people with glow-in-the-dark orange vests on and flags and they point to exactly where we are supposed to go to park our vehicle. There is little mystery in the experience. You just do as you are directed!

 Life is seldom like that. God at times leads very clearly. One step leads to a logical next step, but the fact is, this is not always our experience. It is often more like, here is the first step, and then we have to wait!!! Who wants to wait? We want to keep going according to our timetable! We start to question, “Did God really lead us? Shouldn’t things be going perfectly?” If you read in the book of Numbers, the story of God’s people who were led out into the desert by Him even there is story after story of the twists and turns in the desert and God was there in a big cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Yet, it was not as smooth as you would have thought it should be. God was leading and teaching them as they went along. Just like He does with you and me.

He sees us and loves us. He knows what is best and has us and our loved ones squarely in the palm of His hands. Let’s rest in this truth today.

 Dear Father,

 Thank you for being a God who sees what I cannot. You are fully trustworthy to find your way through this wilderness I find myself in today. I choose to put my trust fully in you. Thank you.

 In Jesus Name,
